The present project-wide Glossary documents and defines terms, acronyms and phrases that are widely used throughout the OJP4Danube project and useful for the thematic of Journey Planning.
Active system | The active system integrates the routing information from several local journey planners to a combined seamless route. It is composed of a passive system and a Distributing system. It communicates through an OJP interface. It is a journey planning engine with OJP capabilities. Via the distributing system it is able to detect journeys through adjacent or remote regions and able to create OJP Trip Compositions. |
Adjacent region | Region which is adjacent to the local region and has its own “local” journey planning systems. |
Adjacent system | Alias for neighbouring system. Participating system of an adjacent region. |
Distributing system | System that distributes journey planning enquiries to other systems. It sends the request for journey-parts through areas to the corresponding passive servers, receives the responses and is able to create OJP Trip Compositions. It has the knowledge about gazetteers and is able to collect information about exchange points for the whole system. |
End user | User of an application, person asking for journey planning information by using an end user application. Enquirer of a journey plan with a start, an end point and some travel preferences. |
End user service | End user application. |
End user application | Application used by the end user to have access to Journey Planning information generated by the Distributed Journey Planning Service (DRJP). It can be a third party application connecting by OJP interface to a Participating system or the User Interface Participating system. |
Enquirer | End user asking for information. |
Enquirer system | Alias home system. |
Estimated data | Predicted arrival or departure time of a particular means of transport at a particular stop. In the case of real time data, it can change several times during the journey. |
Exchange point | Stop point or stop place, where the trip leg of one system is connected to the trunk leg of another system. This includes regional stops which match with stops for long distance or regional stops from adjacent regions. Exchange points are mainly but not exclusively located at borders and in bigger cities. |
Exchange point database | Repository/view on a database or a service that is able to list the relevant exchange points of the distributed service. It can be a static system-wide database or be generated dynamically with requests for exchange points to the responding services. |
Gazetteer | Directory of common objects across the local journey planner systems and its system borders. It enables the active system to find the passive system for all geolocations (stops, stations, POIs, address etc.). The gazetteer acts system-wide. |
Home system | Participating system called by the end user application. It is the system that takes care of the end user travel information request and provides an answer. |
Journey | The movement of a traveller from a start point to an end point by using one or more transport modes. |
Journey Planner (JP) | System that calculates the journey for a given request. It is able to accept requests directly from end-user services. It is a generalization of OJP Router and OJP responder. |
Journey Planning System (JPS) | Alias Journey Planner. |
Local Journey Planner (LJP) | System with a routing engine and access to multimodal data with a particular local, regional or national coverage; “local” underlines its focus on a specific coverage that is limited. LJPs have no transregional (or distributed) OJP routing capabilities. |
Local region | Territory covered by a journey planner/home-system, which can plan trips by itself without information from other systems. |
Local database | Database with all locations relevant for the whole system. The location database is part of the gazetteer. |
Long distance schedule data | Schedule data of long distance traffic. |
Long distance traffic | Traffic moving over extended areas, great distances and usually not subject to frequent stops. |
Long distance transport connection | Trunk legs of the routes that connect at least two OJP systems. They are used to connect two neighbouring or remote systems. Exchange points are defined along the trunk leg which defines all the neighbouring systems. |
Neighbouring system | Alias for adjacent system. |
OJP Implementer | Travel information service provider that is implementing an OJP service exchange (in most cases on the back-end system of an end user service). |
OJP Interface | Application Programming Interface (API) based on CEN/TS 2017: OpenAPI for distributed journey planning. |
OJP Responder | Alias Passive system. |
OJP Router | Alias Active system. |
OJP Trip Composition | Process of combining the different trip legs coming from different OJP Responders. It is transmitted via OJP Interface. |
OJP User | End-user service provider that uses OJP services from local JPs to provide an end-user service. |
Open Journey Planning | Standard for communication for distributed journey planning (CEN/TS 17118:2017). |
Participating system | Local journey planner, part of the OJP system architecture and the appropriate OJP service. |
Passive system | Local journey planner with an OJP interface (API) being able to respond to requests from distributing systems. It is an information source within the system without distributed journey planning capabilities. It communicates through an OJP interface as a responding system. Alias OJP responder, responding system. |
Public transport services | Service that allows people to travel. The service is for public usage. |
Real time data | The real time of a particular means of transport at a particular stop; only sent after the arrival/departure of the vehicle at a particular stop. |
Remote region | Region which is not adjacent to the local region. A remote region is covered by a Local Journey Planner. |
Remote system | Participating system of a remote region. |
Responding system | The generalized term for a system that responds to questions from the distributing system. |
Schedule data | Planned data for public transport services. |
Server | In this context, a program (software) that provides special services to be used by other programs. |
Service | Technical, self-sufficient unit that bundles related functionalities into a complex of topics and makes them available via a clearly defined interface. |
System | Delimitable “structure” consisting of various components which can be regarded as a common whole due to certain ordered relationships between them. |
Travel information application | Application that allows the end user to get information about their journey and other relevant information for travelling. |
Trip | Alias Journey |
Trip leg | Local part of a trip which is calculated by a single Local Journey planning system. |
Trunk leg | Trunk leg is a long-distance transport connection that interlink Journey planning systems. |
Routing result | Result of a routing request by the end user. |
Steward (Exchange point steward) | In the system-wide exchange point list, the ‘steward’ system is considered the system which has the most complete information on stop points or stop places (including timetables) of all systems. The ‘steward’ acts as the prime system, which is managing and maintaining the stop point or stop place information. The ‘steward’ is responsible for the stop point or stop place. A single exchange point, can only have a single ‘steward’. |
Stop place | Place with one or more locations where vehicles may stop and where passengers may board or leave vehicles or prepare their trip. |
Stop point | Point where passengers can board or alight from vehicles. |